
The Crow and the Pitcher

Audio File: 
This story is called The Crow and the Pitcher, a fable by Aesop, read by Molly. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. One summer day, a relentless heat beat down upon the earth. High up in the sky, a thirsty Crow had been flying for hours in search of water. Her beak and feathers were bone dry, and she knew she needed to find water soon. Just when the Crow was about to lose hope, she spotted something shiny on a picnic table in the distance. It was a pitcher! The Crow was filled with relief as she flew towards it. She landed on the picnic table and took a closer look.

The Frog Prince

Audio File: 
This story is called The Frog Prince by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. One fine morning, a young princess named Luisa put on her coat and shoes and went outside to play in the woods. After walking for a while, she came to a cool pond and decided to sit down for a rest. She had brought her favorite golden ball with her, and as she sat, she mindlessly tossed it up into the air and caught it again. Eventually, she threw the ball so high that it bounced off the branch of a tree and went crashing down into the water.