Public Domain

Complete License: 
Works are in the public domain if they are not covered by intellectual property rights (such as copyright) at all, or if the intellectual property rights to the works have expired. In the United States, works published before February 21, 1926, are generally considered public domain. As time progresses, works released 95 years earlier will continue entering the public domain until 2073. From 2073 works by creators who died seven decades earlier will expire each year. Works that were published without a copyright notice before 1977 are also in the public domain, as are those published before 1989 if the copyright was not registered within five years of the date of publication, and those published before 1964 if the copyright was not renewed 28 years later. For more information see:
Effective Dates: 
Friday, February 26, 2021
License Type: 
Public Domain