
Louie & Lily and the Case of Time to Rhyme

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It was Monday morning, and there was a hustle and bustle in the Williams' house. While the Williams' kids rushed around getting ready for school, Louie the turtle swam happily around in his tank. 8-year-old Charisse soon arrived to feed him his breakfast of floating fish pellets. Lily, the bulldog, wagged her tail, following Charisse into the bathroom. Lily knew that it would be time for her morning walk and talk as soon as Charisse finished brushing her teeth. That's when they stopped to talk to their neighbors.

Why Dogs Sniff: the Story of the Dogs' Dinner Party

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WHY DOGS SNIFF The Story of the Dogs' Dinner Party Once upon a time the dogs gave a dinner party. All the dogs were invited and all the dogs accepted the invitation. There were big dogs and little dogs and middle-sized dogs. There were black dogs and white dogs and brown dogs and gray dogs and yellow dogs and spotted dogs. There were dogs with long tails and dogs with short tails and dogs with no tails at all. There were dogs with little sharp-pointed ears and dogs with big flat drooping ears.

Astropup and the Day of the Cat

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This is Richard, and I’m here with our latest yarn from our dog who travels in space. But before I hand you over to the capable claws of Astropup, Some of you have been asking us what a “mog” is. You may not be able to find that word in the dictionary, but it is in fact, a “cat.” So I hope that helps. Now, let’s hear from Astropup. It happened when I was on shore leave. I was living at home in blissful comfort with my owner, Jenny. I did not lack for biscuits, blankets or cuddles. One morning, I was chewing on my favourite rubber bone, when I heard a tap-tapping at the French doors.

Astropup and the Key to the Universe

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This is Richard, and I am here to introduce the latest instalment in our canine space adventure, Astropup. If you have heard the earlier stories, you will know that Astropup tells them in his own words. So, if you will just hang on for a moment, let me adjust the microphone stand down to dog level. Thank you Richard. As you know, by the standards of the Universe, it’s a little more than a skip and a jump to the moon – a mere 240,000 miles. The humans gave me a special probe to take there.

El lobo y el perro dormido

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Este cuento se llama El lobo y el perro dormido, escrito por Esopo. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. Dormía plácidamente un perro en el portal de una casa. Pasó un lobo hambriento. Al ver al perro dormido, pensó: "Ahh, aquí está mi próxima comida". El lobo se abalanzó sobre el perro, listo para darse un festín. "Te ruego que no me comas", dijo el perro atrapado. “¡Mírame! En este momento no soy más que huesos. ¡Espera un poco! Mis dueños pronto celebrarán su boda. Durante la fiesta, comeré muchos alimentos ricos lo que hará que engorde rápidamente.

The Town Musicians of Bremen

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A certain man had a donkey, which had carried the corn sacks to the mill loyally for many a long year; but his strength was going, and he was growing more and more unfit for work. His master began to wonder if it was worth his while by keeping this old donkey much longer. The donkey, seeing that no good wind was blowing, ran away and set out on the road to Bremen. “There,” he thought, “I can surely be a town musician.” When he had walked some distance, he found a dog lying on the road, gasping like one who had run until he was tired.

Why Cats and Dogs are Enemies

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Why Cats and Dogs Are Enemies A Story From China, Told by A Mouse. Download mp3 Adapted by Bertie Read by Natasha There was a house that I used to visit for my super sometimes. I knew the way in very well - there was a tiny little door by the back window, so small that you would probably never notice it, but I’m a mouse, and I can squeeze through the teeniest of entrances. To tell you the truth, the joint was going down hill. Every time I visited, there were fewer and fewer crumbs. It was hardly worth going there anymore and besides there were dangers. They had a cat.