
The Fox and the Cat: a Ukrainian Folk Tale

Audio File: 
This story is called The Fox and the Cat, a traditional Ukrainian folk tale collected by Robert Nisbet Bain and published in Cossack Fairy Tales and Folk-Tales in 1894. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. In a dense forest in Eastern Europe, in a country now known as Ukraine, there once lived a small red fox. Near the fox lived a man with a house cat named Mr. Shaggy Matthew. The cat had once been very good at his job of catching mice in the house and in the garden, but he was now old and partially blind. The man no longer found the cat useful, so one day, he led Mr.

The Fox and the Wolf

Audio File: 
At the foot of some high mountains there was, once upon a time, a small village, and a little way off two roads met, one of them going to the east and the other to the west. The villagers were quiet, hard-working folk, who toiled in the fields all day, and in the evening set out for home when the bell began to ring in the little church.

Henny Penny

Audio File: 
This story is called Henny Penny, a traditional tale adapted by Madeline Walton-Hadlock and read by Ryan Aoto. This is a LibraryCall recording. One hot, dull summer day, Henny-Penny was sitting under an oak tree in the shade when—whack!—an acorn fell from a branch and hit her smack on the head. “Ouch!” said Henny-Penny. Not seeing the acorn, she assumed the worst. “Uh-oh!” she said. “The sky is falling! I must go and tell the king!” So, she went along and she went along and she went along until she met Rooster-Wooster who was sitting on a fence, singing a lazy song.

The Fox and the Stork

Audio File: 
This story is called The Fox and the Stork, a traditional fable by Aesop, read by Molly. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. A long time ago, when animals lived in harmony, the Fox and the Stork were best friends. They spent many wonderful moments together. Some days, they set off on nature explorations, discovering hidden treasures in the forest. Other times, they gathered in the evening and sang lively tunes.

La zorra y el cuervo gritón

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama La zorra y el cuervo gritón escrito por Esopo. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. Un día, un cuervo robó a unos pastores un pedazo de carne y se retiró a un árbol. Un zorro lo vio, y queriendo apoderarse de esa carne, comenzó a halagar al cuervo, alabando sus elegantes proporciones y su gran belleza.