
Sammy's Autograph Book

Audio File: 
Sammy celebrated his 10th birthday party last week. One of his birthday presents was a small-size autograph book with 120 blank pages. "I'm going to fill up this entire book with autographs," Sammy said to himself as he paged thru the blank pages. Sammy lived in a small town far from any big city. Famous people don't often visit small towns. For a brief moment Sammy thought that he might not be able to fill up his autograph book with autographs. Then he slid the autograph book into his backpack and started walking to school.

Chicken Little

Audio File: 
The Story you will be listening to today is Chicken-Little and is being read to you by Christina. One day Chicken-Little had gone to sleep under a rose-bush, and a cow reached over the fence and bit off the top of the rose-bush. The noise woke up Chicken-little, and just as she woke a rose-leaf fell on her tail. “Squawk! Squawk!” cried Chicken-little, “the sky is falling!”; and away she ran as fast as her legs would carry her.

The Little Pine Tree

Audio File: 
THE LITTLE PINE TREE Once upon a time there was a little pine tree who lived in the woods. It had no leaves. It had needles. The little tree said, "I do not like needles. All the other trees in the woods have pretty leaves. I want leaves, too. But I will have better leaves than all the other trees. I want gold leaves." The little tree didn’t know it but a fairy from the forest had heard his wish. Night came and the little tree went to sleep. The fairy came by and gave it gold leaves. When the little tree woke it had leaves of gold. It said, "Oh, I am so pretty!

La tortuga y la liebre

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama La tortuga y la liebre, una fábula de Esopo. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez una liebre muy orgullosa. Se pasó todo el día alardeando de lo rápido que podía correr. "Soy el corredor más rápido del mundo", dijo a todos los demás animales. “¡Cuando corro, soy tan rápido como el viento! Nadie puede alcanzarme ". Los otros animales rieron disimuladamente. Estaban cansados ​​de escuchar los alardes de la liebre. "¿No me crees?" preguntó la liebre.

The Owl and the Grasshopper

Audio File: 
This story is called The Owl and the Grasshopper by Aesop. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Owls always sleep during the day. After sundown, when the light fades from the sky and shadows rise slowly through the woods, owls wake up. They emerge from tree hollows, blink their big eyes, and fly into the night sky.