
The Midas Touch

Audio File: 
The Midas Touch Hello, this is Natasha, and this is a story from Ancient Greece about the original gold finger. His name was King Midas and he had what he thought was a great gift. Anything he touched turned to gold. But he soon learned that his golden touch wasn't so much a gift as a curse. This story is called The Midas Touch. There was once a dreadfully ugly beast called Silenus. He pranced over the mountains on a pair of hairy goat’s legs. A long tail swished behind him, but from the waist up he was a man, more or less. His big belly bounced up and down as he ran along.

Diamantes y sapos

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Diamantes y sapos escrito por Charles Perrault. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez una viuda que tenía dos hijas. La mayor, Viviana, se parecía a su madre tanto física como moralmente. Ambas eran muy orgullosas y desagradables. Pero la hija menor, Isabela, tenía buenos modales y un carácter agradable. La viuda mimaba a su hija mayor, dándole a Viviana mucha ropa nueva y comida cara. Mientras tanto, la madre detestaba a Isabela, haciéndola trabajar todo el día solo para comer los restos de comida que dejó su hermana.

The Story of the Red-Headed Woodpecker

Audio File: 
Long, long ago, there lived an old woman in a little cottage by the forest. She was not a poor old woman. She had plenty of wood to burn in winter, and plenty of meal to bake into bread all the year round. Her clothes were old-fashioned but warm. She always wore a grey dress and a little red cap. Late one summer afternoon, the cottage door was open. The old woman stood by her fire, baking cakes for her evening meal. How good they smelled! A tall old man who was passing by the cottage stopped a moment.