
El cocodrilo y el mono

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama El cocodrilo y el mono, un cuento tradicional de la India, adaptado por W.H.D. Rouse. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez un río enorme que era profundo y ancho. En este río vivía un cocodrilo. ¿Has visto un cocodrilo? Son muy largos, dos veces más largos que una cama. Están cubiertos de escamas duras de color verde y amarillo. Tienen hocicos anchos y planos y mandíbulas enormes con cientos de dientes afilados. El cocodrilo de este cuento se sentó en el barro todo el día, medio bajo el agua, tomando el sol y rara vez moviéndose.

The Crocodile and the Monkey

Audio File: 
This story is called The Crocodile and the Monkey, a traditional story from India, retold by W.H.D. Rouse. This is a LibraryCall recording. Once upon a time, there was an enormous river that was both deep and wide. In this river there lived a crocodile. I don’t know whether you have ever seen a crocodile, but you should know that they’re very long, twice as long as your bed. They’re covered with hard green and yellow scales. They have flat, wide snouts, and huge jaws with hundreds of sharp teeth.

The Greedy Lion and the Clever Little Rabbit

Audio File: 
The Greedy Lion and Clever Little Rabbit, a tale from the ancient Indian collection of stories called The Panchatantra. A long time ago in India, there was a jungle full of beautiful plants and trees, flowers and fruit, and many animals lived happily there. Deer, monkeys, rabbits and wild boar in this jungle, there was also a fierce Lion who had protected the other animals in the past. But over the years had become greedy and mean. He had begun to attack the other animals, even when he wasn't hungry.

How the Sun, the Moon, and the Wind Went Out to Dinner

Audio File: 
Once upon a time the Sun, the Moon, and the Wind went to dine with their uncle and aunt, the Thunder and the Lightning. They said good-bye to their mother, the Evening Star, crossed the great dark arching sky, and came to the deep cave where live Thunder and Lightning. Here a wonderful feast was spread, and all sat down to enjoy it. Now the Sun and the Wind were very greedy. They bent their heads low over their plates and they ate and ate of every dish that was passed to them.