
Mamá pavo y el zorro

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Mamá pavo y el zorro por Abbie Phillips Walker. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Cada noche, cuando se ponía el sol, Mamá Pavo llevaba a sus pollitos a la rama más alta que podían alcanzar en un viejo manzano. Una vez que estuvieron acurrucados bajo sus alas, los cantó esta canción de cuna: Cierran los ojos, hijos míos; Esconden las cabezas y no hagan pío-píos. Yo estoy vigilando al zorro hambriento, Y les protegeré en su sueño profundo.

Mama Turkey and the Fox

Audio File: 
This story is called Mama Turkey and the Fox by Abbie Phillips Walker. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Every night when the sun set, Mama Turkey took her chicks to the highest branch they could reach in an old apple tree.

Little Pumpkin's Thanksgiving

Audio File: 
This story is called Little Pumpkin’s Thanksgiving by Madge A. Bingham. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. It was the night before Thanksgiving. Big Pumpkin, Medium Pumpkin, and Little Pumpkin were waiting on their vines in Peter Piper’s pumpkin patch. They were fully ripe, so they knew their time in the garden must come to an end soon. “I’m worried,” Little Pumpkin said to his friends. “I overheard Peter say he’s planning to pick us tomorrow.” “There’s no need to be afraid,” said Big Pumpkin. “We will make delicious pies for someone’s Thanksgiving dinner.