
Gigi encuentra su voz

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama “Gigi encuentra su voz”, escrito y narrado por Lorena Romero. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. El pasatiempo favorito de Gigi era cantar. Todos los días después de la escuela, corría a su cuarto, ponía su música favorita y cantaba toda la noche. Cantaba mientras hacía su tarea, durante la cena y en la ducha. Mientras dormía, Gigi soñaba con cantar frente a miles de personas, al igual que sus estrellas de pop favoritas. El problema con su sueño de convertirse en una estrella de pop era que Gigi nunca había tenido espectadores.

Gigi Finds Her Voice

Audio File: 
This story is called “Gigi Finds Her Voice,” written and narrated by Lorena Romero. This is a LibraryCall recording. Gigi’s favorite thing in the world was to sing. Every day after school, she would run to her room, turn on her favorite playlist and sing all through the evening. She would sing while doing her homework, during dinner, and in the shower. In her sleep, Gigi would dream of singing in front of thousands of people, just like her favorite pop stars. The only problem with her dream of becoming a pop star was that Gigi had never had an audience.

First Day Back

Audio File: 
This story is called First Day Back, written and read by Ryan Aoto. This is a LibraryCall recording. On the last night of summer break, Jaiden sat at the dinner table with his mom. Normally, he was very talkative. He didn’t get to have dinner with his mom often. She worked all the time. That night, however, he sat silent, poking at his food. “What’s wrong Sweetie,” his mother asked. Jaiden shrugged. “Are you sad that summer’s over?” Jaiden shrugged again. “You’ll have a great time tomorrow,” she said with a smile. “You’re going to be in Ms. Chen’s class, like you wanted.

Sammy's Autograph Book

Audio File: 
Sammy celebrated his 10th birthday party last week. One of his birthday presents was a small-size autograph book with 120 blank pages. "I'm going to fill up this entire book with autographs," Sammy said to himself as he paged thru the blank pages. Sammy lived in a small town far from any big city. Famous people don't often visit small towns. For a brief moment Sammy thought that he might not be able to fill up his autograph book with autographs. Then he slid the autograph book into his backpack and started walking to school.

The Witch

Audio File: 
This story is called The Witch, written and recorded by LibraryCall. In a colorful neighborhood, there was a group of friends that spent almost all their time together. They loved spending their days at the park, gathering and telling stories on the playground. Some of them would skateboard, others would swing on the swing set. It was October, the most exciting month of the year.

Marshmallow Goes to School

Audio File: 
This story is called Marshmallow Goes to School by Madeline Walton-Hadlock. This is a LibraryCall recording. It was the first day of school. Mary sat at the table staring into her bowl of Rainbow Crinkle-Crunch cereal. Why wasn’t she hungry? Rainbow Crinkle-Crunch was her favorite! She picked up her spoon and tried to take a bite, but she was too nervous to eat. “Baa,” said a little voice on the other side of the kitchen door. Mary giggled and felt a bit better. “Sorry, Marshmallow,” Mary called.

Letters from the Fairies

Audio File: 
Letters from the fairies There was a little girl named Ariel who lived in a farmhouse deep in the woods on Lavender Lane. Behind the little farmhouse was a creek. Ariel loved the hot summer days of picking fresh fruit off the trees and walking across the rocks in the creek. Nature was always around her. One day, Ariel woke up to the fresh summer morning light and heard her mother call for her. Breakfast, my dear! Ariel could smell the sweet aroma of pancakes, her favorite breakfast.