
The Winter Queen

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This story is called The Winter Queen. This is an original LibraryCall story and recording. Winter arrived swiftly with its chilly winds and the fairy lights that decorated the houses. Aria loved the wintertime, especially when the full moon hung in the sky, surrounded by the stars. This winter was different. Aria’s grandma’s favorite time of the year had been the winter too. Her grandma suddenly passed away before Christmas, causing her to miss the wintertime festivities with her beloved granddaughter. Aria was heartbroken.

Diamantes y sapos

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Este cuento se llama Diamantes y sapos escrito por Charles Perrault. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez una viuda que tenía dos hijas. La mayor, Viviana, se parecía a su madre tanto física como moralmente. Ambas eran muy orgullosas y desagradables. Pero la hija menor, Isabela, tenía buenos modales y un carácter agradable. La viuda mimaba a su hija mayor, dándole a Viviana mucha ropa nueva y comida cara. Mientras tanto, la madre detestaba a Isabela, haciéndola trabajar todo el día solo para comer los restos de comida que dejó su hermana.

Katie and the Cat Who Talked

Audio File: 
Hello this is Natasha and this is a story about Katie who you may know is a girl who is just a bit different. You see although she goes to school and has friends just like everyone else, she just happens to be a witch. Every Saturday, not far from where Katie lived, there was a market. Farmers came into town and set up their stalls in a car park. They sold the tastiest apples, the freshest eggs, and all sorts of vegetables that still had the mud from the fields on them. Katie liked to go there with her mum who looked for unusual herbs like sorrel, angelica and coltsfoot.

Katie and the Invisible Umbrella

Audio File: 
Hello, this is Natasha, and I’m here with a story about Katie, who is an ordinary girl, but there is just one thing that is rather unusual about her. She’s a witch and she can do magic tricks. Katie’s Grandmother had all sorts of beautiful, but rather old fashioned, magical things. Many of them weren’t so useful these days, because science has caught up with magic in so many ways. For instance, before electric kettles were invented, witches had magic cauldrons that boiled the water without any need to put them on the fire.

The Witch Who Got into Trouble at School

Audio File: 
It was summer. The school year had almost come to an end, and everyone was looking forward to the long holidays. In fact, everyone would have been really, really happy, except for one thing. Before the holidays, they had to do exams. And nobody likes to do exams, unless they are the swottiest of swots. And Katie didn’t think that exams were at all nice. No matter how good you are at magic, you still have to remember things for yourself.