
Mamá pavo y el zorro

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Mamá pavo y el zorro por Abbie Phillips Walker. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Cada noche, cuando se ponía el sol, Mamá Pavo llevaba a sus pollitos a la rama más alta que podían alcanzar en un viejo manzano. Una vez que estuvieron acurrucados bajo sus alas, los cantó esta canción de cuna: Cierran los ojos, hijos míos; Esconden las cabezas y no hagan pío-píos. Yo estoy vigilando al zorro hambriento, Y les protegeré en su sueño profundo.

Mama Turkey and the Fox

Audio File: 
This story is called Mama Turkey and the Fox by Abbie Phillips Walker. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Every night when the sun set, Mama Turkey took her chicks to the highest branch they could reach in an old apple tree.

The Table, the Sifter, and the Pinchers

Audio File: 
THE TABLE, THE SIFTER AND THE PINCHERS (The Story of the King's Laborer and His Wages) Once upon a time there was a man who was very poor. He had so many children it was difficult to earn money enough to provide for them all. Accordingly, he left home and hired out to the king of a distant land. At the end of a year's time he went to the king and said: "I have served you faithfully for a whole year. Now I wish to return to my wife and children. Please pay me what you owe me for my work." The king said: "I will not reward you in money.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Audio File: 
This story is called The Boy Who Cried Wolf, a traditional fable by Aesop. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Long ago, there was a shepherd boy who took care of a flock of sheep. The sheep grazed in a meadow near a dark forest, not far from a village. The boy, who was quite an energetic young person, enjoyed his work at first-- herding the sheep to places with greener grass, watching for hungry animals that liked to eat sheep, and ensuring the not-so-bright sheep didn’t eat any poisonous plants.

The Bat and the Weasel

Audio File: 
This story is called The Bat and the Weasel by Aesop. This is a LibraryCall recording. One day, a young bat, who was an inexperienced flyer, fell to the ground and was captured by a hungry weasel. The weasel licked his lips, opened his jaw, and prepared to eat the poor creature. Seeing that he was about to be eaten, the bat begged for the weasel to spare his life. “Please don’t eat me, Mr. Weasel!” "But I couldn’t possibly let you go", said the weasel. "Birds like you have been my enemies since the day I was born." “But I’m not a bird!”, said the bat. “I’m...

A Legend of the North Wind

Audio File: 
This story is called A Legend of the North Wind by Mary Catherine Judd. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. One day, the mischievous North Wind saw a boy eating his lunch under a tree. Just as the boy was about to bite into his sandwich, the North Wind blew it out of his hand and swept away everything else he had packed for his lunch. The North Wind laughed. "You vile North Wind!" cried the boy. "Give me back my sandwich!

El murciélago y los coatíes

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Los murciélagos y los coatíes escrito por Esopo. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. Un día, cayó un murciélago a tierra y fue apresado por un coatí hambriento. El coatí se humedeció los labios y se preparó para comerse el murciélago. Viéndose próximo a morir, el murciélago suplicó por su vida. “¡Por favor no me comas!” "No podría dejarte ir", dijo el coatí. "Desde que nací, he sido enemigo de los pájaros". “Pero no soy un pájaro sino un ratón”, replicó el murciélago. "¡Ah!" dijo el coatí. "No como ratones".

The Emperor's New Clothes

Audio File: 
This story is called Emperor’s New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Many years ago, there was an Emperor who loved clothes so much that he spent all his money on being well dressed. He had a different suit for each hour of the day. He didn’t think much about his soldiers or his subjects. He did not care about going to the theater or having dinner with his advisors; he only saw these things as opportunities to show off his new clothes. One day, two men wearing very fine suits arrived at the Emperor’s kingdom.

Puss in Boots, or The Master Cat

Audio File: 
There was a miller, who left no more estate to the three sons he had, than his Mill, his Ass, and his Cat. The partition was soon made. Neither the scrivener nor attorney were sent for. They would soon have eaten up all the poor patrimony.

Thunder and Anansi

Audio File: 
THERE had been a long and severe famine in the land where Anansi lived. He had been quite unable to obtain food for his poor wife and family. One day, gazing desperately out to sea, he saw rising from the midst of the water, a tiny island with a tall palm-tree upon it. He determined to reach this tree—if any means proved possible—and climb it, in the hope of finding a few nuts to reward him. How to get there was the difficulty. This, however, solved itself when he reached the beach, for there lay the means to his hand, in the shape of an old broken boat.