
Pérez the Mouse

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This story is called Perez the Mouse, written by Luis Coloma, and adapted, read and translated by Lorena Romero and Madeline Walton-Hadlock. This is a LibraryCall recording. Many years ago lived a King called Buby. He was a great friend to children in need, and he was also a protector of mice. He prohibited mousetraps in his kingdom and punished any cat that chased these rodents. King Buby took the throne at only six years old, under the guidance of his mother, the Queen.

El niño que quería más queso

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Este cuento se llama El niño que quería más queso, un cuento de Holanda escrito por William Elliot Griffis. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Klaas era un niño holandés que vivía en una granja con muchas vacas. Su apetito siempre fue bueno y su madre declaró que su estómago no tenía fondo. Su cabello era del color de un ñame y usaba un par de zapatos de madera que hacían un fuerte traqueteo cuando corría rápido para atrapar un conejo. Klaas desayunó pan, rebanadas de queso y leche fresca.

Puss in Boots

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This story is called Puss in Boots by Charles Perrault, adapted and Recorded by LibraryCall A mill worker died, leaving three sons to divide his fortune among them.

The Boy Who Wanted More Cheese

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This story is called The Boy Who Wanted More Cheese, a story from the Netherlands by William Elliot Griffis. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Klaas was a Dutch boy who lived on a farm where cows were plentiful. His appetite was always good and his mother declared his stomach had no bottom. His hair was of a color half-way between a carrot and a sweet potato and it was as thick as reeds in a swamp. He wore a pair of wooden shoes that made an awful rattle when he ran fast to catch a rabbit, or scuffed slowly to school over the brick road of his village.

Snow White

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This story is called Snow White by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Once upon a time, a baby girl was born to a King and Queen. The child’s hair was as black as obsidian, while her cheeks were red as blood, and her skin as white as snow, so she was called Snow White. Sadly, the Queen died in childbirth, so Snow White never knew her mother. A year later, the King remarried an elegant woman who turned out to be proud and jealous. She could not stand that any one should surpass her in beauty.

The Little Mermaid

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This story is called The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen, adapted and recorded by Library Call. In the ocean, where the water is as clear as a crystal, it is very deep, so deep that no human could reach the bottom. There dwelled the Sea King and his kingdom. The bottom was rich with the most beautiful sea flowers, plants, and fish. In the deepest spot of all stood the castle of the Sea King. Its walls were built of coral, and the long Gothic windows of the clearest amber. The roof was formed of shells that opened and closed as the water flowed over them.

Hansel and Gretel

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This story is called Hansel and Gretel, a traditional tale adapted and recorded by Library Call. In a great forest, a woodcutter lived with his wife and two children, Hansel and Gretel. The family was very poor and had little to eat. At night, . He groaned and said to his wife, “What is to become of us? How are we to feed our poor children, when we no longer have anything even for ourselves? we’ll all die of hunger.” The children were still awake and heard the conversation.

Hero and Leander

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Hello, this is Jana, and I’m here with a love story from ancient times. We’re in a romantic mood, because we are recording this just before St Valentine’s day. First we must set the scene. The Dardanelles is a stretch of seawater that separates the continents of Europe and Asia. In ancient times, this thin, winding sea, that looks something like a broad river, was called the Hellespont. It’s very deep and about three quarters of a mile wide at its narrowest point. Do you think it would be safe to attempt to swim across it?

The Crocodile and the Monkey

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This story is called The Crocodile and the Monkey, a traditional story from India, retold by W.H.D. Rouse. This is a LibraryCall recording. Once upon a time, there was an enormous river that was both deep and wide. In this river there lived a crocodile. I don’t know whether you have ever seen a crocodile, but you should know that they’re very long, twice as long as your bed. They’re covered with hard green and yellow scales. They have flat, wide snouts, and huge jaws with hundreds of sharp teeth.

When the Sun Hid in Her Cave

Audio File: 
At the dawn of time, Susano-o, the spirit of the sea and storms, was making ready to leave heaven and to gush down to Earth. His sister, the far-shining Sun Goddess, said, “Oh, impetuous brother of mine. Before you go, let us exchange tokens of our love and affection for one another.” Susano-o bowed to his sister, drew his sword from his side, and presented it to her. She accepted the gift, and then chewed off pieces of the metal blade in her mouth, before spitting them out.