folk tale

El oso, la mona, y el cerdo

Audio File: 
El Oso, La Mona Y El Cerdo Erase una vez un oso que llevaba muchos años ganándose la vida bailando en las plazas de los pueblos y las ciudades. Sobre todo los días en que se celebraba algo o había fiesta mayor. Sus amos tocaban el tambor mientras el bailaba, le hacían dar unos pasos aquí para allá y mientras el bailaba, pasaban la gorra entre el publico para que la llenasen de monedas. El publico lo admira atentos, y le aplaudían, así fue como el animal llego a creer firmemente que era un gran bailarin.

Why Pigs Have Curly Tails

Audio File: 
Why Pigs Have Curly Tails THERE was once a fairy who fell into a bramble-bush. It was a very closely grown bush, and she could not get out. She was sadly scratched, and the thorns caught her tiny delicate wings and tore her pretty frail dress into shreds. The bramble-bush formed part of a hedge which ran along the side of an orchard, and presently a horse came sauntering up to the hedge. “Oh, please help me, sir,” said the fairy. “I’m caught in a bramble-bush, and can’t get out.” The horse came and looked at her. “That’s a nasty place to be in,” he said.

Chicken Little

Audio File: 
The Story you will be listening to today is Chicken-Little and is being read to you by Christina. One day Chicken-Little had gone to sleep under a rose-bush, and a cow reached over the fence and bit off the top of the rose-bush. The noise woke up Chicken-little, and just as she woke a rose-leaf fell on her tail. “Squawk! Squawk!” cried Chicken-little, “the sky is falling!”; and away she ran as fast as her legs would carry her.

Why Dogs Sniff: the Story of the Dogs' Dinner Party

Audio File: 
WHY DOGS SNIFF The Story of the Dogs' Dinner Party Once upon a time the dogs gave a dinner party. All the dogs were invited and all the dogs accepted the invitation. There were big dogs and little dogs and middle-sized dogs. There were black dogs and white dogs and brown dogs and gray dogs and yellow dogs and spotted dogs. There were dogs with long tails and dogs with short tails and dogs with no tails at all. There were dogs with little sharp-pointed ears and dogs with big flat drooping ears.