strong women

Alien Alert

Audio File: 
“ALIEN ALERT! ALIEN ALERT!” The alarms blared throughout the space station. Captain D. Emerald shot out of bed like a bolt of plasma from her ship’s blasters. She changed out of her green pajamas and into her green uniform and ran down the hallway to the control room, her green hair flowing behind her. “Good morning, Assistant W. Ruby,” Captain D. Emerald said. “Report.” Her little sister stood in front of a large computer screen. For years, Captain D. Emerald, and her sister Assistant W. Ruby had been helping to defend Earth from any threats from the comfort of their own homes.

Waslene y la madrina del bosque

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Waslene y la madrina del bosque, escrito por Lauren Kratz Prushko, y traducido y leído en español por Lorena Romero. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez, en un pequeño pueblo de Haití, una niña llamada Waslene que vivía con su madrastra, que era egoísta y no tenía corazón. Lamentablemente para Waslene, su padre se había enfermado y ya no estaba en esta tierra. Todos los días, mientras Waslene estaba en la escuela, su madrastra cocinaba Tablet Kokoye, o dulces de coco, para vender en el tianguis.

Waslene and the Forest Godmother

Audio File: 
At one time, in a small town in Haiti, there was a girl named Waslene who had to live with her heartless and selfish stepmother. Sadly for Waslene, her father had fallen ill and was no longer on this earth. Every day while Waslene was at school, her stepmother would cook Tablet Kokoye or coconut candy to sell in the outdoor market. The stepmother would earn a fair amount of money selling these sweets, but would she share with Waslene? No! She would spend the money on herself even though she lived in the house that was now supposed to belong to Waslene.