
Little Bunny Foo-Foo

Audio File: 
This story is called Little Bunny Foo-Foo written by Madeline Walton-Hadlock and based on the traditional children’s song of the same name. This is a LibraryCall recording. Little Bunny Foo-Foo was always getting into mischief. When his grandma told him to brush his teeth, he got distracted and used his toothbrush to comb his gray ears instead. At the dinner table, he forgot his manners. He slurped his carrot soup and did not stay in his seat. It was hard to sit still when his body felt so very bouncy.

El cuento de Pedrito el Conejo

Audio File: 
Este es El cuento de Pedrito el Conejo, escrito por Beatrix Potter. Esta es una traducción y grabación de LibraryCall. Había una vez cuatro conejitos que se llamaban Flopsy, Mopsy, Colita de Algodón y Pedrito. Vivían con su madre bajo las raíces de un inmenso árbol. Una mañana la mamá les dijo: "Mis queridos, pueden ir a jugar al campo o por el camino, pero no vayan al jardín del Señor McGregor. Su padre tuvo allí un accidente. ¡La Señora McGregor lo puso en un pastel!" "Ahora, vayan a jugar y no se metan en travesuras.

Why Dogs Sniff: the Story of the Dogs' Dinner Party

Audio File: 
WHY DOGS SNIFF The Story of the Dogs' Dinner Party Once upon a time the dogs gave a dinner party. All the dogs were invited and all the dogs accepted the invitation. There were big dogs and little dogs and middle-sized dogs. There were black dogs and white dogs and brown dogs and gray dogs and yellow dogs and spotted dogs. There were dogs with long tails and dogs with short tails and dogs with no tails at all. There were dogs with little sharp-pointed ears and dogs with big flat drooping ears.

Cartas de las hadas

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Cartas de las hadas escrito por Anna Suarez. Este es un cuento original y una grabación de LibraryCall. Había una chica llamada Ariel que vivía en una granja al final del Camino Lavanda. Detrás de la granja había un arroyo. A Ariel le encantaban los calurosos días de verano, recogiendo frutas frescas y saltando por las rocas del arroyo. La naturaleza siempre estuvo a su alrededor. Una luminosa mañana de verano, Ariel se despertó y escuchó a su madre llamarla.

La tortuga y la liebre

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama La tortuga y la liebre, una fábula de Esopo. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez una liebre muy orgullosa. Se pasó todo el día alardeando de lo rápido que podía correr. "Soy el corredor más rápido del mundo", dijo a todos los demás animales. “¡Cuando corro, soy tan rápido como el viento! Nadie puede alcanzarme ". Los otros animales rieron disimuladamente. Estaban cansados ​​de escuchar los alardes de la liebre. "¿No me crees?" preguntó la liebre.

Letters from the Fairies

Audio File: 
Letters from the fairies There was a little girl named Ariel who lived in a farmhouse deep in the woods on Lavender Lane. Behind the little farmhouse was a creek. Ariel loved the hot summer days of picking fresh fruit off the trees and walking across the rocks in the creek. Nature was always around her. One day, Ariel woke up to the fresh summer morning light and heard her mother call for her. Breakfast, my dear! Ariel could smell the sweet aroma of pancakes, her favorite breakfast.


Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Cenicienta por Charles Perrault. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez un honesto caballero que se casó con una mujer orgullosa y desagradable después de la muerte de su primera esposa. La mujer desagradable tenía dos hijas groseras. El hombre tenía una hija propia, una joven amable e inteligente. La madrastra pronto se puso celosa de las buenas cualidades de la niña, que era tan diferente de sus propias hijas. Ella le dio todas las peores tareas de la casa: lavar los pisos y las escaleras, sacudir el polvo de los dormitorios y limpiar la chimenea.

The Greedy Lion and the Clever Little Rabbit

Audio File: 
The Greedy Lion and Clever Little Rabbit, a tale from the ancient Indian collection of stories called The Panchatantra. A long time ago in India, there was a jungle full of beautiful plants and trees, flowers and fruit, and many animals lived happily there. Deer, monkeys, rabbits and wild boar in this jungle, there was also a fierce Lion who had protected the other animals in the past. But over the years had become greedy and mean. He had begun to attack the other animals, even when he wasn't hungry.

Jack and the Beanstalk

Audio File: 
This story is called Jack and the Beanstalk, a traditional tale adapted and recorded by LibraryCall. Once upon a time, there was a poor boy named Jack who lived with his mother and their cow named Milky-white. Jack and his mother relied completely on the cow’s milk as their only source of food and income. But one morning Milky-white gave no milk, and they didn't know what to do. “Don’t worry, mother, I'll go and find work somewhere,” said Jack. “There are no jobs to be found,” said his mother. “I’m afraid we must sell Milky-white.” “Okay,” said Jack sadly.