
El zapatero y los duendes

Audio File: 
Esta historia se llama El Zapatero y los Duendes por los Hermanos Grimm. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Había una vez un hombre que tenía una pequeña tienda de zapatos en Alemania. Su trabajo era hacer zapatos de cuero y venderlos a los aldeanos. Aunque el zapatero era talentoso y trabajaba duro, le tomaba muchas horas hacer cada par de zapatos, así que nunca tenía muchos zapatos para vender. Por esa razón era muy pobre. Cada noche, él cortaba las piezas de cuero que necesitaría para hacer un par de zapatos el próximo día.

Una visita al Polo Norte

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Una visita al Polo Norte. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Supongo que has oído hablar del taller de juguetes de Santa en el Polo Norte. ¿Pero sabías que allí también crece un jardín muy especial? Zara y su hermanito Teo no sabían nada sobre este jardín. Pero estaban a punto de aprenderlo todo. Una noche antes de Navidad, la mamá de Zara y Teo los metió en la cama, les dio besos de buenas noches y cerró la puerta de su habitación. ¿Dormieron ellos? ¡Por supuesto que no! Teo se movió. Zara dio vueltas.

The Ice Cube Club

Audio File: 
This story is called The Ice Cube Club by Phil Shapiro, recorded by LibraryCall. Some people collect stamps. Some people collect baseball cards. Some people collect dolls. And some people collect ice cubes. You might not have heard about the ice cube collectors before, but they're really not so strange as they sound. You might even run into some ice cube collectors if you visit Atlanta, Georgia in the winter. You see Atlanta, Georgia is a southern city. And southern cities don't get too much snow.

A Visit to the North Pole

Audio File: 
This story is called A Visit to the North Pole. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. You probably know all about Santa’s toy workshop up in the North Pole. But did you know that a very special garden grows nearby? Neither did Zara and her little brother Theo. But they were about to find out. One night, just before Christmas, Zara and Theo’s mom tucked them into bed, kissed them goodnight, and closed the door to their room. Did they sleep? No they did not! Theo wiggled. Zara tossed and turned. Finally, they both sat up.

The Winter Queen

Audio File: 
This story is called The Winter Queen. This is an original LibraryCall story and recording. Winter arrived swiftly with its chilly winds and the fairy lights that decorated the houses. Aria loved the wintertime, especially when the full moon hung in the sky, surrounded by the stars. This winter was different. Aria’s grandma’s favorite time of the year had been the winter too. Her grandma suddenly passed away before Christmas, causing her to miss the wintertime festivities with her beloved granddaughter. Aria was heartbroken.

Sheltering Wings

Audio File: 
The air was bone chillingly cold. The sound of the sleds filled the streets with winter cheer. Though the town was filled with joy, the air was menacing to the lovely little animals who could not seek shelter. The streets were quiet in mid-afternoon. Workers hurried to their offices; every dog remained at home; not a bird was to be seen or heard. The sparrows had been forced to hide themselves from the cold.

The Elves and the Shoemaker

Audio File: 
This story is called The Elves and the Shoemaker written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and read by Madeline Walton-Hadlock. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Once upon a time, there was a man who owned a small shoe shop in a village in Germany. His job was to make shoes out of leather and sell them to the villagers. Although the shoemaker was talented and hard-working, it took him many hours to make each pair of shoes, so he never had many shoes ready to sell. For this reason, he was quite poor.