fairy tale


Audio File: 
CINDERELLA Once there was a gentleman who married again after his first wife had died many years ago. His new wife had two bratty daughters. The gentleman had a young daughter by his first wife who was good and sweet like her mother. No sooner was the wedding over then the new stepmother began to show her true colors. She could not bear the good qualities of this pretty girl, because she made her own daughters look mean and unkind. She made her do the dirtiest work in the house: which included scrubbing the bedrooms and bathrooms of her stepmother and stepsisters.

The Bear

Audio File: 
The Bear Once on a time there was a king who had an only daughter. He was so proud and so fond of her, that he was in constant terror that something would happen to her if she went outside the palace, and thus, owing to his great love for her, he forced her to lead the life of a prisoner, shut up within her own rooms. The princess did not like this at all, and one day she complained about it very bitterly to her nurse. Now, the nurse was a witch, though the king did not know it.


Audio File: 
Rumpelstilskin Había una vez un pobre molinero que tenía una bellísima hija. Y sucedió que en cierta ocasión se encontró con el rey, y, como le gustaba darse importancia sin medir las consecuencias de sus mentiras, le dijo: -Mi hija es tan hábil y sabe hilar tan bien, que convierte la hierba seca en oro. -Eso es admirable, es un arte que me agrada -dijo el rey-.


Audio File: 
RAPUNZEL Once upon a time there was a man and woman who were very sad because they had no children. A window in the back of their house over-looked a lovely garden. It was full of beautiful flowers and vegetables; but the garden was surrounded by a high wall, and no one dared to enter it, for it belonged to an old witch of great power, who was feared by the whole world. One day the woman stood at the window looking at the garden, and she saw that it was full of the finest basil she had ever seen. The leaves looked so fresh and green that she wanted to eat them.

The Little Gingerbread Man

Audio File: 
THE LITTLE GINGERBREAD MAN ONE day, the cook went into the kitchen to make some gingerbread. She took some flour, water, molasses, ginger, and mixed them all together. She then rolled it out into a beautiful, smooth, dark-yellow dough. She took out square and round pans to make cakes. Cook said, “I’m going to make a gingerbread man for little Bobby.” She took a nice round lump of dough for his body, and a smaller lump for his head, which she stretched a little for the neck.


Audio File: 
CINDERELLA Once there was a gentleman who married his second wife who was the proudest and most haughty woman ever. She had two daughters by her first husband who were exactly like her. The gentleman had a young daughter by his first wife who was good and sweet like her mother. No sooner was the wedding over then the new stepmother began to show her true colors. She could not bear the good qualities of this pretty girl, because she made her own daughters look mean and unkind.

Caperucita Roja

Audio File: 
Caperucita Roja Había una vez una dulce niña que quería mucho a su madre y a su abuela. Les ayudaba en todo lo que podía y como era tan buena el día de su cumpleaños su abuela le regaló una caperuza roja. Como le gustaba tanto e iba con ella a todas partes, pronto todos empezaron a llamarla Caperucita roja. Un día la abuela de Caperucita, que vivía en el bosque, enfermó y la madre de Caperucita le pidió que le llevara una cesta con una torta y un tarro de mantequilla.

La Sirenita

Audio File: 
La Sirenita En medio del mar, en las más grandes profundidades, se extendía un reino mágico, el reino del pueblo del mar. Un lugar de extraordinaria belleza rodeado por flores y plantas únicas y en el que se encontraba el castillo del rey del mar. Él y sus seis hijas vivían felices en medio de tanta belleza. Ellas pasaban el día jugando y cuidando de sus flores en los majestuosos jardines de árboles azules y rojos. La más pequeña de ellas, era la más especial. Su piel era blanca y suave, sus ojos grandes y azules, pero como el resto de las sirenas, tenía cola de pez.

La Princesa Peli-Rubia y El Gran Cuerve Nego

Audio File: 
“La Princesa Peli-Rubia y el Gran Cuervo Negro” Había una vez un Rey con tres hijas, las dos mayores eran bonitas, pero la hija menor, quien se llamaba Princesa Peli-Rubia, era la más bella señorita de toda la tierra. Un día el Rey se fue de casería con toda su gente. Cuando se estaba atardeciendo, el se encontró en un lugar del bosque que nunca había estado antes. No podía distinguir el norte del sur, del este al oeste. Camino de por aquí, hacia allá. Y lo más lejos que caminaba, los menos cercano estaba junto al camino hacia casa.