
This audio's copyright is held by The Galecia Group on behalf of LibraryCall.  This audio may be a performance adapation of a story copyrighted by another rightsholder, created with permission as a derivative work of that story.

El Conejito Fufu

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama El Conejito Fufu escrito por Madeline Walton-Hadlock y leído por Lorena Romero. Este cuento es basado en la canción infantil del mismo nombre. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. El Conejito Fufu siempre estaba haciendo travesuras. Cuando su abuelita le decía que se lavara los dientes, usaba su cepillo de dientes para peinarse sus orejas grises. Durante la cena, se le olvidaban sus modales. Sorbía su sopa de zanahoria bien rápido y no se quedaba quieto en su silla. Era difíci hacerlo cuando su cuerpo siempre tenía ganas de saltar.

Bessie Stringfield: Motorcycle Queen!

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(*Motorcycle sound effect Harley Davidson, Bessie's motorcycle of choice*) There was nothing that Bessie Stringfield loved more than her Harley-Davidson motorcycle and the open road! African-American motorcyclist Bessie Stringfield was the first Black woman to ride alone across the United States starting in the 1930s. Bessie visited and rode her motorcycle along 48 states during her eight trips across the country. Bessie chose to ride along a different road than most women at the time. During the 1930s, people thought it was improper for women to ride motorcycles.

¡No pruebe a la princesa!

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Este cuento se llama ¡No pruebe a la princesa! escrito por Madeline Walton-Hadlock e inspirado en el cuento de Hans Christian Andersen La princesa y el guisante. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez un joven príncipe llamado Máximo. Cuando cumplió 25 años, decidió que había llegado el momento de casarse con una princesa. Pero no estaba interesado en casarse con cualquier princesa. Quería casarse con una verdadera princesa. Máximo escribió una lista de las cualidades que él creía que debería tener una verdadera princesa.

The Firebird: Maria Tallchief, America's First Prima Ballerina

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Maria Tallchief was the first American prima ballerina and Native American or Indigenous prima ballerina! What does it mean to be a prima ballerina? Maria Tallchief was the best dancer and brought great fame to herself and her ballet company. Since prima is an Italian word that means first, Maria performed all the lead roles in the ballets.

The Fox and the Cat: a Ukrainian Folk Tale

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This story is called The Fox and the Cat, a traditional Ukrainian folk tale collected by Robert Nisbet Bain and published in Cossack Fairy Tales and Folk-Tales in 1894. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. In a dense forest in Eastern Europe, in a country now known as Ukraine, there once lived a small red fox. Near the fox lived a man with a house cat named Mr. Shaggy Matthew. The cat had once been very good at his job of catching mice in the house and in the garden, but he was now old and partially blind. The man no longer found the cat useful, so one day, he led Mr.

Winnie-the-Pooh y las abejas

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Winnie the Pooh y las abejas, escrito por A.A. Milne. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez, hace muchísimo tiempo, más o menos el viernes pasado, un osito llamado Winnie the Pooh vivía sola en un bosque. Un día cuando salió caminando, llegó a un claro en medio del bosque, y en el medio de este lugar había un gran roble. Desde lo alto del árbol, oyó un fuerte zumbido. Winnie the Pooh se sentó al pie del árbol, puso la cabeza entre sus patas y comenzó a pensar. Primero pensó, “Ese zumbido significa algo.

Doctor Mae Jemison Orbiting the Earth

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"Six, five, four…" the main engines of the space shuttle Endeavour started with a deafening roar and the shuttle began to shake and vibrate. "Three, two, one…" the astronauts aboard the Endeavour, resting on their backs with their feet above their heads with hope and excitement! "Zero, blast off!" The space shuttle Endeavour soared upward with such a great force that Dr. Mae Jemison was pushed back into her seat so she couldn't move or speak.

Papa Bois: Protector of the Forest

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(Caribbean music steel pan music plays) Papa Bois was traveling through the forests of Trinidad in the Caribbean islands. Papa Bois' beard of leaves rustled against his face as he walked amongst the trees with his goat-like feet. He is known as the Ancient One and never met anyone like himself, but that was okay because he felt no difference between himself and all the living things in the world. Papa Bois was very old and had seen many things in the past, but he was also large, strong, and muscular. Sometimes he would change in different forms when needed.

Little Bunny Foo-Foo

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This story is called Little Bunny Foo-Foo written by Madeline Walton-Hadlock and based on the traditional children’s song of the same name. This is a LibraryCall recording. Little Bunny Foo-Foo was always getting into mischief. When his grandma told him to brush his teeth, he got distracted and used his toothbrush to comb his gray ears instead. At the dinner table, he forgot his manners. He slurped his carrot soup and did not stay in his seat. It was hard to sit still when his body felt so very bouncy.

Una visita al Polo Norte

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Una visita al Polo Norte. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Supongo que has oído hablar del taller de juguetes de Santa en el Polo Norte. ¿Pero sabías que allí también crece un jardín muy especial? Zara y su hermanito Teo no sabían nada sobre este jardín. Pero estaban a punto de aprenderlo todo. Una noche antes de Navidad, la mamá de Zara y Teo los metió en la cama, les dio besos de buenas noches y cerró la puerta de su habitación. ¿Dormieron ellos? ¡Por supuesto que no! Teo se movió. Zara dio vueltas.