
This audio's copyright is held by The Galecia Group on behalf of LibraryCall.  This audio may be a performance adapation of a story copyrighted by another rightsholder, created with permission as a derivative work of that story.

La zorra y el gato

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama La Zorra y El Gato, un cuento folclórico Ucraniano seleccionado por Robert Nisbet y publicado por Cossack Fairy Tales and Folk-Tales en 1894. Está es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. En un bosque tupido en el Este de Europa, en un país ahora conocido como Ucrania, érase una vez vivía una pequeña zorra roja. Cerca de la zorra vivía un hombre con un gato llamado Señor Pelos. El gato en sus tiempos fue muy bueno en su trabajo de atrapar ratones que entraban a la casa o al jardín, pero ahora estaba viejo y un medio ciego.

Ana's Gift: a Día del Niño Story

Audio File: 
This story is called Ana’s Gift: A Día del niño Story, written and read by Lorena Romero. Día del niño, or Child’s Day, is a holiday celebrated worldwide. Mexico celebrates annually on April 30. The celebrations often include making children feel special by gifting them toys, taking them out for ice cream, or planning a fun day for them. In the United States, many libraries celebrate Día de los niños/día de los libros, a cultural initiative recognized by the American Library Association.

La Doctora Mae Jemison orbitando La Tierra

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Este cuento se llama La doctora Mae Jemison, un relato real de la primera mujer afroamericana que viajó al espacio, escrito por Lauren Kratz Prushko, traducido por Stephaney Cortes Alvarado, y narrado por Lorena Romero. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. "Seis, cinco, cuatro..." los motores del transbordador espacial llamado Endeavour arrancaron con un rugido ensordecedor y el transbordador comenzó a agitarse y a vibrar.

El zapatero y los duendes

Audio File: 
Esta historia se llama El Zapatero y los Duendes por los Hermanos Grimm. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Había una vez un hombre que tenía una pequeña tienda de zapatos en Alemania. Su trabajo era hacer zapatos de cuero y venderlos a los aldeanos. Aunque el zapatero era talentoso y trabajaba duro, le tomaba muchas horas hacer cada par de zapatos, así que nunca tenía muchos zapatos para vender. Por esa razón era muy pobre. Cada noche, él cortaba las piezas de cuero que necesitaría para hacer un par de zapatos el próximo día.

Los tres cerditos

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Los Tres Cerditos, de Katharine Pyle. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. [chime] Había una vez tres cerditos que vivían con su mamá en un bosque. Eran felices juntos, buscando en el bosque raíces, hongos e insectos para comer. Pero a medida que se acercaba el invierno, la comida se hacía escasa. Un día, mamá cerda reunió a sus hijos y les dijo: "Mis dulces cerditos, ya les he enseñado a buscar comida y a construir un hogar seguro. Ahora es el momento de que salgan al mundo y utilicen las habilidades que yo les he enseñado.

Winnie-the-Pooh and the North Pole Adventure

Audio File: 
The story you are about to hear is called Winnie-the-Pooh and the North Pole Adventure, written by A.A. Milne and read by Madeline Walton-Hadlock. This story comes from Milne’s first Winnie-the-Pooh collection , published in 1926. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. [chime and intro music] One fine day, Winnie-the-Pooh stumped up to the top of the Forest to see if his friend Christopher Robin was feeling interested in Bears. At breakfast that morning (a simple meal of marmalade spread lightly over a honeycomb or two) he had suddenly thought of a new song.

The Thankful Tree

Audio File: 
This story is called The Thankful Tree by Lorena Romero. This is a LibraryCall recording. RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIING The school bell rang. If this were a normal year, José Luis would be jumping with excitement. He would be dashing out his classroom door, running out of the school, and hopping into his mom’s car. Every year during fall break, José Luis’ school had a whole week off, and he would use that time to play his favorite games, day and night. His family doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving, so he got to stay up late and play Minecraft for hours.

La Llorona (english version)

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“No!” screamed Luna. “I don’t like it! I am not going to eat it. No way!” Luna hated the plate in front of her. Carne? No thanks. Arroz y frijoles? Yuck. And AGUA too?! Was she being grounded? Luna knew mamá had worked very hard on dinner, but she wanted conchas y champurrado now. Why did she have to eat all this icky stuff before getting to the good part?

Louie & Lily and the Case of Time to Rhyme

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It was Monday morning, and there was a hustle and bustle in the Williams' house. While the Williams' kids rushed around getting ready for school, Louie the turtle swam happily around in his tank. 8-year-old Charisse soon arrived to feed him his breakfast of floating fish pellets. Lily, the bulldog, wagged her tail, following Charisse into the bathroom. Lily knew that it would be time for her morning walk and talk as soon as Charisse finished brushing her teeth. That's when they stopped to talk to their neighbors.

Waslene and the Forest Godmother

Audio File: 
At one time, in a small town in Haiti, there was a girl named Waslene who had to live with her heartless and selfish stepmother. Sadly for Waslene, her father had fallen ill and was no longer on this earth. Every day while Waslene was at school, her stepmother would cook Tablet Kokoye or coconut candy to sell in the outdoor market. The stepmother would earn a fair amount of money selling these sweets, but would she share with Waslene? No! She would spend the money on herself even though she lived in the house that was now supposed to belong to Waslene.