
Why Dogs Sniff: the Story of the Dogs' Dinner Party

Audio File: 
WHY DOGS SNIFF The Story of the Dogs' Dinner Party Once upon a time the dogs gave a dinner party. All the dogs were invited and all the dogs accepted the invitation. There were big dogs and little dogs and middle-sized dogs. There were black dogs and white dogs and brown dogs and gray dogs and yellow dogs and spotted dogs. There were dogs with long tails and dogs with short tails and dogs with no tails at all. There were dogs with little sharp-pointed ears and dogs with big flat drooping ears.

The Tortoise and the Hare

Audio File: 
This story is called The Tortoise and the Hare, a traditional fable by Aesop. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Back in the days when animals could talk, there was a hare. Now, in case you’re not familiar with hares, you should know that they are long-eared animals that look a lot like rabbits. Hares can run fast, which helps them get away from all the bigger animals that want to eat them up. One day, the hare in our story was bragging about his speed to all the other animals. "I have never been beaten," he said. “When I run, I’m as fast as the wind!

La tortuga y la liebre

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama La tortuga y la liebre, una fábula de Esopo. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez una liebre muy orgullosa. Se pasó todo el día alardeando de lo rápido que podía correr. "Soy el corredor más rápido del mundo", dijo a todos los demás animales. “¡Cuando corro, soy tan rápido como el viento! Nadie puede alcanzarme ". Los otros animales rieron disimuladamente. Estaban cansados ​​de escuchar los alardes de la liebre. "¿No me crees?" preguntó la liebre.

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Audio File: 
This story is called The Boy Who Cried Wolf, a traditional fable by Aesop. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Long ago, there was a shepherd boy who took care of a flock of sheep. The sheep grazed in a meadow near a dark forest, not far from a village. The boy, who was quite an energetic young person, enjoyed his work at first-- herding the sheep to places with greener grass, watching for hungry animals that liked to eat sheep, and ensuring the not-so-bright sheep didn’t eat any poisonous plants.

El osito y el puercoespín

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama El osito y el puercoespín, basada en Los cuentos del oso Cuffy de Arthur Scott Bailey. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Este cuento comienza el primer día de primavera, cuando la nieve se estaba derritiendo, las flores estaban floreciendo y los pájaros cantaban. En su cueva, una mamá oso se despertó. Se puso de pie lentamente. Sus huesos se sentían rígidos porque había estado durmiendo durante mucho tiempo. Y ella tenía hambre, ¡tanta hambre! No había comido nada durante meses.

Astropup and the Day of the Cat

Audio File: 
This is Richard, and I’m here with our latest yarn from our dog who travels in space. But before I hand you over to the capable claws of Astropup, Some of you have been asking us what a “mog” is. You may not be able to find that word in the dictionary, but it is in fact, a “cat.” So I hope that helps. Now, let’s hear from Astropup. It happened when I was on shore leave. I was living at home in blissful comfort with my owner, Jenny. I did not lack for biscuits, blankets or cuddles. One morning, I was chewing on my favourite rubber bone, when I heard a tap-tapping at the French doors.

Astropup and the Key to the Universe

Audio File: 
This is Richard, and I am here to introduce the latest instalment in our canine space adventure, Astropup. If you have heard the earlier stories, you will know that Astropup tells them in his own words. So, if you will just hang on for a moment, let me adjust the microphone stand down to dog level. Thank you Richard. As you know, by the standards of the Universe, it’s a little more than a skip and a jump to the moon – a mere 240,000 miles. The humans gave me a special probe to take there.

Astropup and the Revenge of the Parrot

Audio File: 
Astropup and the Revenge of the Parrot Hello, this is Richard. This is a tale of revenge. It took place quite a way from here, on the dark side of the moon. We are very fortunate to have a guest here in the Storynory studio who was an eyewitness of these extraordinary events. And so, without further ado, I will hand you over to our space-travelling friend, Astropup . If I've learned one thing on my space travels, it's that the universe is the strangest of places. You have no doubt heard the old story that the moon is made out of cheese.