
Astropup and the Key to the Universe

Audio File: 
This is Richard, and I am here to introduce the latest instalment in our canine space adventure, Astropup. If you have heard the earlier stories, you will know that Astropup tells them in his own words. So, if you will just hang on for a moment, let me adjust the microphone stand down to dog level. Thank you Richard. As you know, by the standards of the Universe, it’s a little more than a skip and a jump to the moon – a mere 240,000 miles. The humans gave me a special probe to take there.

Astropup and the Revenge of the Parrot

Audio File: 
Astropup and the Revenge of the Parrot Hello, this is Richard. This is a tale of revenge. It took place quite a way from here, on the dark side of the moon. We are very fortunate to have a guest here in the Storynory studio who was an eyewitness of these extraordinary events. And so, without further ado, I will hand you over to our space-travelling friend, Astropup . If I've learned one thing on my space travels, it's that the universe is the strangest of places. You have no doubt heard the old story that the moon is made out of cheese.

La lechuza y el saltamontes

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama La lechuza y el saltamontes escrito por Esopo. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Las lechuzas siempre duermen durante el día. Después de la puesta del sol, cuando la luz se desvanece del cielo, las lechuzas se despiertan. Emergen de los árboles, parpadean con sus grandes ojos y vuelan hacia el cielo nocturno.

The Owl and the Grasshopper

Audio File: 
This story is called The Owl and the Grasshopper by Aesop. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Owls always sleep during the day. After sundown, when the light fades from the sky and shadows rise slowly through the woods, owls wake up. They emerge from tree hollows, blink their big eyes, and fly into the night sky.

The Little Bear and the Prickly Porcupine

Audio File: 
This story is called The Little Bear and the Prickly Porcupine, based on Arthur Scott Bailey’s Cuffy Bear Stories. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. This story begins on the very first day of spring. The snow was melting, flowers were blooming, and the birds were singing. In her cozy cave, a mama Bear woke up. She rose slowly to her feet. Her bones felt stiff because she had been sleeping for a very long time. And she was hungry—so hungry!

Puss in Boots

Audio File: 
This story is called Puss in Boots by Charles Perrault, adapted and Recorded by LibraryCall A mill worker died, leaving three sons to divide his fortune among them.

The Little Mermaid

Audio File: 
This story is called The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen, adapted and recorded by Library Call. In the ocean, where the water is as clear as a crystal, it is very deep, so deep that no human could reach the bottom. There dwelled the Sea King and his kingdom. The bottom was rich with the most beautiful sea flowers, plants, and fish. In the deepest spot of all stood the castle of the Sea King. Its walls were built of coral, and the long Gothic windows of the clearest amber. The roof was formed of shells that opened and closed as the water flowed over them.