
Letters from the Fairies

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Letters from the fairies There was a little girl named Ariel who lived in a farmhouse deep in the woods on Lavender Lane. Behind the little farmhouse was a creek. Ariel loved the hot summer days of picking fresh fruit off the trees and walking across the rocks in the creek. Nature was always around her. One day, Ariel woke up to the fresh summer morning light and heard her mother call for her. Breakfast, my dear! Ariel could smell the sweet aroma of pancakes, her favorite breakfast.

Puss in Boots

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This story is called Puss in Boots by Charles Perrault, adapted and Recorded by LibraryCall A mill worker died, leaving three sons to divide his fortune among them.


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Este cuento se llama Blancanieves escrito por Wilhelm y Jacob Grimm. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez, una niña nació de un rey y una reina. El cabello de la niña era negro como la obsidiana, mientras que sus mejillas estaban rojas como la sangre y su piel tan blanca como la nieve. Por eso la llamaron Blancanieves. Lamentablemente, la reina murió después de dar a luz a Blancanieves, por lo que la niña nunca conoció a su madre. Un año después, el rey se volvió a casar con una mujer elegante que también estaba orgullosa y celosa.

The Little Mermaid

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This story is called The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen, adapted and recorded by Library Call. In the ocean, where the water is as clear as a crystal, it is very deep, so deep that no human could reach the bottom. There dwelled the Sea King and his kingdom. The bottom was rich with the most beautiful sea flowers, plants, and fish. In the deepest spot of all stood the castle of the Sea King. Its walls were built of coral, and the long Gothic windows of the clearest amber. The roof was formed of shells that opened and closed as the water flowed over them.


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Este cuento se llama Cenicienta por Charles Perrault. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez un honesto caballero que se casó con una mujer orgullosa y desagradable después de la muerte de su primera esposa. La mujer desagradable tenía dos hijas groseras. El hombre tenía una hija propia, una joven amable e inteligente. La madrastra pronto se puso celosa de las buenas cualidades de la niña, que era tan diferente de sus propias hijas. Ella le dio todas las peores tareas de la casa: lavar los pisos y las escaleras, sacudir el polvo de los dormitorios y limpiar la chimenea.

A Legend of the North Wind

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This story is called A Legend of the North Wind by Mary Catherine Judd. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. One day, the mischievous North Wind saw a boy eating his lunch under a tree. Just as the boy was about to bite into his sandwich, the North Wind blew it out of his hand and swept away everything else he had packed for his lunch. The North Wind laughed. "You vile North Wind!" cried the boy. "Give me back my sandwich!

Juanito y los frijoles mágicos

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Este cuento se llama Juanito y los frijoles mágicos. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez un niño llamado Juan que vivía con su madre. Juan y su madre eran muy pobres. Dependían completamente de la leche de su vaca Bianca para sobrevivir. Pero una mañana, Bianca no dio leche y no sabían qué hacer. "Creo que debemos vender Bianca", dijo la madre de Juan. "Bueno", dijo Juan con tristeza. “Llevaré Bianca al mercado. Si puedo venderla, te traeré el dinero ".

Katie and the Cat Who Talked

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Hello this is Natasha and this is a story about Katie who you may know is a girl who is just a bit different. You see although she goes to school and has friends just like everyone else, she just happens to be a witch. Every Saturday, not far from where Katie lived, there was a market. Farmers came into town and set up their stalls in a car park. They sold the tastiest apples, the freshest eggs, and all sorts of vegetables that still had the mud from the fields on them. Katie liked to go there with her mum who looked for unusual herbs like sorrel, angelica and coltsfoot.

Katie and the Invisible Umbrella

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Hello, this is Natasha, and I’m here with a story about Katie, who is an ordinary girl, but there is just one thing that is rather unusual about her. She’s a witch and she can do magic tricks. Katie’s Grandmother had all sorts of beautiful, but rather old fashioned, magical things. Many of them weren’t so useful these days, because science has caught up with magic in so many ways. For instance, before electric kettles were invented, witches had magic cauldrons that boiled the water without any need to put them on the fire.

The Witch Who Got into Trouble at School

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It was summer. The school year had almost come to an end, and everyone was looking forward to the long holidays. In fact, everyone would have been really, really happy, except for one thing. Before the holidays, they had to do exams. And nobody likes to do exams, unless they are the swottiest of swots. And Katie didn’t think that exams were at all nice. No matter how good you are at magic, you still have to remember things for yourself.