
Waslene y la madrina del bosque

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Waslene y la madrina del bosque, escrito por Lauren Kratz Prushko, y traducido y leído en español por Lorena Romero. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez, en un pequeño pueblo de Haití, una niña llamada Waslene que vivía con su madrastra, que era egoísta y no tenía corazón. Lamentablemente para Waslene, su padre se había enfermado y ya no estaba en esta tierra. Todos los días, mientras Waslene estaba en la escuela, su madrastra cocinaba Tablet Kokoye, o dulces de coco, para vender en el tianguis.

Waslene and the Forest Godmother

Audio File: 
At one time, in a small town in Haiti, there was a girl named Waslene who had to live with her heartless and selfish stepmother. Sadly for Waslene, her father had fallen ill and was no longer on this earth. Every day while Waslene was at school, her stepmother would cook Tablet Kokoye or coconut candy to sell in the outdoor market. The stepmother would earn a fair amount of money selling these sweets, but would she share with Waslene? No! She would spend the money on herself even though she lived in the house that was now supposed to belong to Waslene.

The Winter Queen

Audio File: 
This story is called The Winter Queen. This is an original LibraryCall story and recording. Winter arrived swiftly with its chilly winds and the fairy lights that decorated the houses. Aria loved the wintertime, especially when the full moon hung in the sky, surrounded by the stars. This winter was different. Aria’s grandma’s favorite time of the year had been the winter too. Her grandma suddenly passed away before Christmas, causing her to miss the wintertime festivities with her beloved granddaughter. Aria was heartbroken.

El picapedrero

Audio File: 
Había una vez un picapedrero que pasaba sus días cortando piedras de grandes rocas. Su trabajo era largo y arduo, y ganaba muy poco dinero. Un día, cansado de su duro trabajo, suspiró tristemente y exclamó, “¡Desearía ser lo suficientemente rico para pasar la vida acostado en un sofá suave, comiendo lo que quiera!” De repente, un hada vestida de verde apareció, agitó su varita mágica, y le dijo, “Tu deseo se ha cumplido.” Y así, el hombre fue rico. Durante varios días, se sentó en su nuevo sofá suave comiendo barbacoa y bebiendo agua fresca.

The Witch

Audio File: 
This story is called The Witch, written and recorded by LibraryCall. In a colorful neighborhood, there was a group of friends that spent almost all their time together. They loved spending their days at the park, gathering and telling stories on the playground. Some of them would skateboard, others would swing on the swing set. It was October, the most exciting month of the year.

The Rain

Audio File: 
The Rain This story is called The Rain, written and recorded by LibraryCall. There once lived a clever crow. She was so thirsty and could not find any water to drink. A terrible drought brought sadness and fear to the forests. The once crystalline lake dried out and the jewel-like dew drops in the mornings were gone. The animals suffered deeply from the drought and many craved fresh water like The Crow. The Crow’s thirst was unbearable and she could not give up her search. She approached the blue birds and asked them where she could find water.

Lapis the Egyptian Cat

Audio File: 
Since we have not met before, I had better introduce myself properly. My name is Lapis, like the blue stone. That’s because my eyes are beautifully blue. And I am a cat. Not just any cat but a magical cat. Well to tell you the truth, I am still training to be a magical cat, but I plan to be brrrrilliant at magic one day. I live a long time before you will be born, more than two and a half thousand years before you will even be thought of. My country is Egypt but I am told that you will call it Ancient Egypt. I am here to tell you stories. The subject of my tales is eternally fascinating.

The Golden Fish

Audio File: 
The Golden Fish. Hello everybody, this is Natasha and His Royal Highness Prince Bertie the Frog has commanded me to read you the story of The Golden Fish by the Brothers Grimm. Now, as it happens, when I was visiting Bertie and his friends by the pond this morning, I heard Colin the Carp grumping around as his usual way, moaning that there are never any stories on Storynory about fish. "I call it downright unfair," he said. "We are always listening to Bertie drown on and on about frogs and princes and dragons. Quite frankly, does anyone care about stupid, ugly frogs?

Naranjas agrias

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Naranjas agrias, escrito por Earl Stanley Harrison. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez un hombre muy rico. Vivía en una gran hacienda y cultivaba grandes acres de naranjos. También tenía vacas, ovejas, y cerdos. Los naranjos estaban llenos de naranjas dulces y jugosas. aLas vacas, las ovejas y los cerdos estaban muy gordos. El hombre tenía todavía más-- un matrimonio feliz y cinco buenos hijos. Tenía todo lo que podía desear. Pero el hombre no estaba satisfecho.

The Story of the Yellow Flowers

Audio File: 
The Story of the Yellow Flowers by Frances Weld Danielson. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Once there were a great many weeds in a field. No one appreciated the weeds and they felt as though they had no place in the world. The cows would not eat them, the children would not pick them, and even the bugs did not seem to like them. “I don’t see what we’re here for,” said one of the weeds.