summer reading 2022

Un viaje en el campo

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Un viaje en el campo: de la ciudad a la naturaleza, escrito por Lauren Kratz Prushko. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. Dominic, Sonia y Zareena son los mejores amigos y se llaman a sí mismos “La Brigada Municipal”. (city noise sound effect) “Me encanta ese nombre, La Brigada Municipal. Es fácil de recordar!” dijo Zareena. “Si, somos un súper grupo de amigos que sabe todo lo que hay que saber de las aventuras en la ciudad.

Los vecinos: Julián y Leilani en la naturaleza

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Los vecinos: Julián y Leilani en la naturaleza, escrito por Lauren Kratz Prushko. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. En dos casitas en dos pequeñas colinas, Dos mejores amigos, Julián y Leilani, abrieron sus puertas, Apagaron las luces, Salieron afuera, Y cerraron sus puertas. Luego, subieron la colina. Bajaron la colina. Subieron la colina. Bajaron la colina. Subieron la colina. Bajaron la colina. Y se encontraron en el medio. "Hola, Julián", dijo Leilani.

Adventures in the Water

Audio File: 
"Spending time by the ocean this summer will be unforgettable because anything is possible with Grandma Arlene!" Curtis thinks to himself. "Curtis, did you remember to pack the new underwear we bought yesterday?" Mom shouts as she sticks her head into my room."Yes, Mom, and do you have to shout about underwear? I don't want the neighbors to hear about my new underwear." My mom laughs and replies, "I am sorry, Curtis, talking loud runs in the family.

A Camping Trip: From City to Nature

Audio File: 
Dominic, Sonia, and Zareena are three best friends that call themselves The City Squad. (city noise sound effect).“I like that name for us, The City Squad. It's catchy!" said Zareena. "Yeah, we're a group of friends who know everything there is to know about having adventures in a big city. But this summer, we’re going on our first camping trip!," laughed Sonia. "That's why we need to stick together,” said Dominic nervously.

Winnie-the-Pooh y las abejas

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Winnie the Pooh y las abejas, escrito por A.A. Milne. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez, hace muchísimo tiempo, más o menos el viernes pasado, un osito llamado Winnie the Pooh vivía sola en un bosque. Un día cuando salió caminando, llegó a un claro en medio del bosque, y en el medio de este lugar había un gran roble. Desde lo alto del árbol, oyó un fuerte zumbido. Winnie the Pooh se sentó al pie del árbol, puso la cabeza entre sus patas y comenzó a pensar. Primero pensó, “Ese zumbido significa algo.

Papa Bois: Protector of the Forest

Audio File: 
(Caribbean music steel pan music plays) Papa Bois was traveling through the forests of Trinidad in the Caribbean islands. Papa Bois' beard of leaves rustled against his face as he walked amongst the trees with his goat-like feet. He is known as the Ancient One and never met anyone like himself, but that was okay because he felt no difference between himself and all the living things in the world. Papa Bois was very old and had seen many things in the past, but he was also large, strong, and muscular. Sometimes he would change in different forms when needed.

The Neighbors: Julian and Leilani Out in Nature

Audio File: 
This story is called The Neighbors: Julian and Leilani Out in Nature by Lauren Kratz Prushko. This is a LibraryCall recording. In two tiny houses on two little hills two best friends, Julian and Leilani opened their doors, (opening door sound) they clicked off their lights, they stepped outside, and they closed their doors. Then, they went up the hill. They went down the hill. They went up the hill. They went down the hill. They went up the hill. They went down the hill. And they met in the middle. "Hello, hello, Julian," said Leilani. "Hello, hello Leilani," said Julian.

The Golden Fish

Audio File: 
The Golden Fish. Hello everybody, this is Natasha and His Royal Highness Prince Bertie the Frog has commanded me to read you the story of The Golden Fish by the Brothers Grimm. Now, as it happens, when I was visiting Bertie and his friends by the pond this morning, I heard Colin the Carp grumping around as his usual way, moaning that there are never any stories on Storynory about fish. "I call it downright unfair," he said. "We are always listening to Bertie drown on and on about frogs and princes and dragons. Quite frankly, does anyone care about stupid, ugly frogs?

Ripple, the Water Spirit

Audio File: 
This story is called Ripple the Water Spirit by Louisa May Alcott. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording In the deep blue sea lived Ripple, a Water-Spirit. All day long she danced beneath the coral arches, made garlands of bright ocean flowers, or floated on the great waves that sparkled in the sunlight.