Public Domain

This story is in the public domain in the United States, such as a Project Gutenber e-text of a historical work, or a work created by the federal government.

Why Pigs Have Curly Tails

Audio File: 
Why Pigs Have Curly Tails THERE was once a fairy who fell into a bramble-bush. It was a very closely grown bush, and she could not get out. She was sadly scratched, and the thorns caught her tiny delicate wings and tore her pretty frail dress into shreds. The bramble-bush formed part of a hedge which ran along the side of an orchard, and presently a horse came sauntering up to the hedge. “Oh, please help me, sir,” said the fairy. “I’m caught in a bramble-bush, and can’t get out.” The horse came and looked at her. “That’s a nasty place to be in,” he said.

Johnny Crow's Party

Audio File: 
Johnny Crow’s Party By L. Leslie Brooke Johnny Crow Plied Rake and Row And improved his little Garden. And the Eagle Looked quite regal In Johnny Crow's Garden And the Cockatoo Said "Comment vous portez vous?" But the Gander Didn't understand her; Yet the Flamingo Spoke the same lingo In Johnny Crow's Garden. Mr.

The Circus Procession

Audio File: 
Circus Procession Open the gates, and draw the curtain, Here comes something fine, that’s certain; Louder the band begins to play, Open the gates, and clear the way! Enters a Queen with a King beside her; Every horse is proud of his rider; Two by two they march to the tune, And hear the procession that will follow soon. Men in livery, in their places, Make peppy steeds keep their paces, Soothing down their wildest fears At the rising shouts and cheers Jocko, in these sports a sharer, Acts the part of a standard-bearer, While behind him soldiers say Bugle notes of victor

Willie Mouse

Audio File: 
Willie Mouse Willie Mouse had often heard his Ma and Pa say that the moon was made of green cheese, and one evening he thought he would see if he could find it. He packed up a piece of cheese and a crust of bread, and, taking his lantern, set out on his travels. He had not gone far when he met his friend, Mr. Woodmouse, who asked him where he was going. “Oh!” said Willie, “I'm going to find the moon; it's made of green cheese, you know.” “I don't believe it's made of green cheese at all,” said Mr.

The Tale of Tom Kitten

Audio File: 
THE TALE OF TOM KITTEN BY BEATRIX POTTER Once upon a time there were three little kittens, and their names were Mittens, Tom Kitten, and Moppet. They had dear little fur coats of their own; and they tumbled about the doorstep and played in the dust. But one day their mother—Mrs.

Chicken Little

Audio File: 
The Story you will be listening to today is Chicken-Little and is being read to you by Christina. One day Chicken-Little had gone to sleep under a rose-bush, and a cow reached over the fence and bit off the top of the rose-bush. The noise woke up Chicken-little, and just as she woke a rose-leaf fell on her tail. “Squawk! Squawk!” cried Chicken-little, “the sky is falling!”; and away she ran as fast as her legs would carry her.

Why Dogs Sniff: the Story of the Dogs' Dinner Party

Audio File: 
WHY DOGS SNIFF The Story of the Dogs' Dinner Party Once upon a time the dogs gave a dinner party. All the dogs were invited and all the dogs accepted the invitation. There were big dogs and little dogs and middle-sized dogs. There were black dogs and white dogs and brown dogs and gray dogs and yellow dogs and spotted dogs. There were dogs with long tails and dogs with short tails and dogs with no tails at all. There were dogs with little sharp-pointed ears and dogs with big flat drooping ears.

The Little Pine Tree

Audio File: 
THE LITTLE PINE TREE Once upon a time there was a little pine tree who lived in the woods. It had no leaves. It had needles. The little tree said, "I do not like needles. All the other trees in the woods have pretty leaves. I want leaves, too. But I will have better leaves than all the other trees. I want gold leaves." The little tree didn’t know it but a fairy from the forest had heard his wish. Night came and the little tree went to sleep. The fairy came by and gave it gold leaves. When the little tree woke it had leaves of gold. It said, "Oh, I am so pretty!

Diamonds and Toads

Audio File: 
This story is called Diamonds and Toads by Charles Perrault. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Once upon a time, there was a cruel woman who had two daughters. The older daughter, Vivian, looked just like her mother and had a similarly foul temperament. The younger daughter, Isabelle, was good-natured and friendly. The woman spoiled her older daughter, showering Vivian with new clothes and expensive cuts of meat. Meanwhile, the mother ignored Isabelle and required her to work hard all day just to eat the scraps of food left behind by her sister.

The Fairy Flower

Audio File: 
This story is called The Fairy Flower by Louisa M. Alcott, adapted and recorded by LibraryCall. In a large and pleasant garden sat little Annie, all alone. She seemed very sad. Drops of tears like dew fell fast upon the flowers beside her. The warm wind lifted up her shining hair, while the sunbeams made little rainbows in her tears. Annie, tell me why you weep,” said a low voice in her ear. Looking up, the child beheld a small figure standing on a vine leaf at her side.