Public Domain

This story is in the public domain in the United States, such as a Project Gutenber e-text of a historical work, or a work created by the federal government.

Winnie-the-Pooh and Eeyore's Lost Tail

Audio File: 
The story you’re about to hear is called Winnie-the-Pooh and Eeyore’s Lost Tail by A.A. Milne. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. The Old Gray Donkey, Eeyore, stood by himself in a thistly corner of the forest, his front feet apart, his head to one side, and thought about things. Sometimes he thought sadly to himself, "Why?" and sometimes he thought, "When?" and other times he thought, "Which?"—and sometimes he didn't quite know what he was thinking about.

A Visit to the North Pole

Audio File: 
This story is called A Visit to the North Pole. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. You probably know all about Santa’s toy workshop up in the North Pole. But did you know that a very special garden grows nearby? Neither did Zara and her little brother Theo. But they were about to find out. One night, just before Christmas, Zara and Theo’s mom tucked them into bed, kissed them goodnight, and closed the door to their room. Did they sleep? No they did not! Theo wiggled. Zara tossed and turned. Finally, they both sat up.

Sheltering Wings

Audio File: 
The air was bone chillingly cold. The sound of the sleds filled the streets with winter cheer. Though the town was filled with joy, the air was menacing to the lovely little animals who could not seek shelter. The streets were quiet in mid-afternoon. Workers hurried to their offices; every dog remained at home; not a bird was to be seen or heard. The sparrows had been forced to hide themselves from the cold.

Mamá pavo y el zorro

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Mamá pavo y el zorro por Abbie Phillips Walker. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Cada noche, cuando se ponía el sol, Mamá Pavo llevaba a sus pollitos a la rama más alta que podían alcanzar en un viejo manzano. Una vez que estuvieron acurrucados bajo sus alas, los cantó esta canción de cuna: Cierran los ojos, hijos míos; Esconden las cabezas y no hagan pío-píos. Yo estoy vigilando al zorro hambriento, Y les protegeré en su sueño profundo.

Calabaza Pequeña y el Día de Acción de Gracias

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Calabaza Pequeña y el Día de Acción de Gracias por Madge A. Bingham. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Era la noche antes del Día de Acción de Gracias. En el huerto de calabazas de Pepe Pecas, Calabaza Grande, Calabaza Mediana y Calabaza Pequeña estaban completamente maduras. Sabían que las recogerían pronto. "Estoy preocupada", dijo Calabaza Pequeña a sus amigos. "Escuché a Pepe decir que planea recogernos mañana". "No tengas miedo", dijo Calabaza Grande.

Mama Turkey and the Fox

Audio File: 
This story is called Mama Turkey and the Fox by Abbie Phillips Walker. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Every night when the sun set, Mama Turkey took her chicks to the highest branch they could reach in an old apple tree.

The True Tale of the Phantom Coach

Audio File: 
This story is called The True Tale of the Phantom Coach by W.t. Linskill. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. The great curtain had fallen after the play, and I was standing chatting on the stage of the theatre in Cambridge when one of the stage men came to tell me I was wanted at the stage door and I must hurry up at once. I proceeded, and someone shouted out “Come with us, we want you to meet a fellow named Willie Carson, and there will be supper.

Little Pumpkin's Thanksgiving

Audio File: 
This story is called Little Pumpkin’s Thanksgiving by Madge A. Bingham. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. It was the night before Thanksgiving. Big Pumpkin, Medium Pumpkin, and Little Pumpkin were waiting on their vines in Peter Piper’s pumpkin patch. They were fully ripe, so they knew their time in the garden must come to an end soon. “I’m worried,” Little Pumpkin said to his friends. “I overheard Peter say he’s planning to pick us tomorrow.” “There’s no need to be afraid,” said Big Pumpkin. “We will make delicious pies for someone’s Thanksgiving dinner.

El picapedrero

Audio File: 
Había una vez un picapedrero que pasaba sus días cortando piedras de grandes rocas. Su trabajo era largo y arduo, y ganaba muy poco dinero. Un día, cansado de su duro trabajo, suspiró tristemente y exclamó, “¡Desearía ser lo suficientemente rico para pasar la vida acostado en un sofá suave, comiendo lo que quiera!” De repente, un hada vestida de verde apareció, agitó su varita mágica, y le dijo, “Tu deseo se ha cumplido.” Y así, el hombre fue rico. Durante varios días, se sentó en su nuevo sofá suave comiendo barbacoa y bebiendo agua fresca.