Public Domain

This story is in the public domain in the United States, such as a Project Gutenber e-text of a historical work, or a work created by the federal government.

Puss in Boots

Audio File: 
This story is called Puss in Boots by Charles Perrault, adapted and Recorded by LibraryCall A mill worker died, leaving three sons to divide his fortune among them.

La leyenda del viento del norte

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama La leyenda del viento del norte escrito por Mary Catherine Judd. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Un día, el travieso Viento del Norte vio a un niño comiendo su almuerzo debajo de un árbol. Justo cuando el niño estaba a punto de morder su torta de asada, el Viento del Norte se la quitó de la mano. El Viento del Norte se rió. "¡Eres horrible Viento del Norte!" gritó el niño. "¡Devuélveme mi torta!


Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Blancanieves escrito por Wilhelm y Jacob Grimm. Esta es una adaptación y grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez, una niña nació de un rey y una reina. El cabello de la niña era negro como la obsidiana, mientras que sus mejillas estaban rojas como la sangre y su piel tan blanca como la nieve. Por eso la llamaron Blancanieves. Lamentablemente, la reina murió después de dar a luz a Blancanieves, por lo que la niña nunca conoció a su madre. Un año después, el rey se volvió a casar con una mujer elegante que también estaba orgullosa y celosa.

The Boy Who Wanted More Cheese

Audio File: 
This story is called The Boy Who Wanted More Cheese, a story from the Netherlands by William Elliot Griffis. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Klaas was a Dutch boy who lived on a farm where cows were plentiful. His appetite was always good and his mother declared his stomach had no bottom. His hair was of a color half-way between a carrot and a sweet potato and it was as thick as reeds in a swamp. He wore a pair of wooden shoes that made an awful rattle when he ran fast to catch a rabbit, or scuffed slowly to school over the brick road of his village.

Snow White

Audio File: 
This story is called Snow White by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. This is a LibraryCall adaptation and recording. Once upon a time, a baby girl was born to a King and Queen. The child’s hair was as black as obsidian, while her cheeks were red as blood, and her skin as white as snow, so she was called Snow White. Sadly, the Queen died in childbirth, so Snow White never knew her mother. A year later, the King remarried an elegant woman who turned out to be proud and jealous. She could not stand that any one should surpass her in beauty.

The Little Mermaid

Audio File: 
This story is called The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen, adapted and recorded by Library Call. In the ocean, where the water is as clear as a crystal, it is very deep, so deep that no human could reach the bottom. There dwelled the Sea King and his kingdom. The bottom was rich with the most beautiful sea flowers, plants, and fish. In the deepest spot of all stood the castle of the Sea King. Its walls were built of coral, and the long Gothic windows of the clearest amber. The roof was formed of shells that opened and closed as the water flowed over them.


Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama Cenicienta por Charles Perrault. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez un honesto caballero que se casó con una mujer orgullosa y desagradable después de la muerte de su primera esposa. La mujer desagradable tenía dos hijas groseras. El hombre tenía una hija propia, una joven amable e inteligente. La madrastra pronto se puso celosa de las buenas cualidades de la niña, que era tan diferente de sus propias hijas. Ella le dio todas las peores tareas de la casa: lavar los pisos y las escaleras, sacudir el polvo de los dormitorios y limpiar la chimenea.

El cocodrilo y el mono

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama El cocodrilo y el mono, un cuento tradicional de la India, adaptado por W.H.D. Rouse. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. Érase una vez un río enorme que era profundo y ancho. En este río vivía un cocodrilo. ¿Has visto un cocodrilo? Son muy largos, dos veces más largos que una cama. Están cubiertos de escamas duras de color verde y amarillo. Tienen hocicos anchos y planos y mandíbulas enormes con cientos de dientes afilados. El cocodrilo de este cuento se sentó en el barro todo el día, medio bajo el agua, tomando el sol y rara vez moviéndose.

Hansel and Gretel

Audio File: 
This story is called Hansel and Gretel, a traditional tale adapted and recorded by Library Call. In a great forest, a woodcutter lived with his wife and two children, Hansel and Gretel. The family was very poor and had little to eat. At night, . He groaned and said to his wife, “What is to become of us? How are we to feed our poor children, when we no longer have anything even for ourselves? we’ll all die of hunger.” The children were still awake and heard the conversation.

The Bat and the Weasel

Audio File: 
This story is called The Bat and the Weasel by Aesop. This is a LibraryCall recording. One day, a young bat, who was an inexperienced flyer, fell to the ground and was captured by a hungry weasel. The weasel licked his lips, opened his jaw, and prepared to eat the poor creature. Seeing that he was about to be eaten, the bat begged for the weasel to spare his life. “Please don’t eat me, Mr. Weasel!” "But I couldn’t possibly let you go", said the weasel. "Birds like you have been my enemies since the day I was born." “But I’m not a bird!”, said the bat. “I’m...