
Pérez the Mouse

Audio File: 
This story is called Perez the Mouse, written by Luis Coloma, and adapted, read and translated by Lorena Romero and Madeline Walton-Hadlock. This is a LibraryCall recording. Many years ago lived a King called Buby. He was a great friend to children in need, and he was also a protector of mice. He prohibited mousetraps in his kingdom and punished any cat that chased these rodents. King Buby took the throne at only six years old, under the guidance of his mother, the Queen.

El conejito Fufu

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama El Conejito Fufu escrito por Madeline Walton-Hadlock y leído por Lorena Romero. Este cuento es basado en la canción infantil del mismo nombre. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. El Conejito Fufu siempre estaba haciendo travesuras. Cuando su abuelita le decía que se lavara los dientes, usaba su cepillo de dientes para peinarse sus orejas grises. Durante la cena, se le olvidaban sus modales. Sorbía su sopa de zanahoria bien rápido y no se quedaba quieto en su silla. Era difíci hacerlo cuando su cuerpo siempre tenía ganas de saltar.

Little Bunny Foo-Foo

Audio File: 
This story is called Little Bunny Foo-Foo written by Madeline Walton-Hadlock and based on the traditional children’s song of the same name. This is a LibraryCall recording. Little Bunny Foo-Foo was always getting into mischief. When his grandma told him to brush his teeth, he got distracted and used his toothbrush to comb his gray ears instead. At the dinner table, he forgot his manners. He slurped his carrot soup and did not stay in his seat. It was hard to sit still when his body felt so very bouncy.

The Evil Mouse

Audio File: 
Hello, This is Natasha and I’m here with an old French fairy tale about an evil mouse. Listen on, if you dare. One night, a prince and his hunting party rode through a forest by torchlight. The dogs were on the trail of a fawn. The little creature darted across a stream and hid itself among some bushes, but the pack of hounds did not run her down. Instead, they stopped by the stream and gathered around something else that they had unexpectedly discovered. The prince rode up and jumped down onto the ground. He parted his way through the pack, and only now did he see what they had found.

Willie Mouse

Audio File: 
Willie Mouse Willie Mouse had often heard his Ma and Pa say that the moon was made of green cheese, and one evening he thought he would see if he could find it. He packed up a piece of cheese and a crust of bread, and, taking his lantern, set out on his travels. He had not gone far when he met his friend, Mr. Woodmouse, who asked him where he was going. “Oh!” said Willie, “I'm going to find the moon; it's made of green cheese, you know.” “I don't believe it's made of green cheese at all,” said Mr.

The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse

Audio File: 
The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse Johnny Town-mouse was born in a cupboard. Timmy Willie was born in a garden. Timmy Willie was a little country mouse who went to town by mistake in a hamper. The gardener sent vegetables to town once a week by carrier; he packed them in a big hamper. The gardener left the hamper by the garden gate, so that the carrier could pick it up when he passed. Timmy Willie crept in through a hole in the wicker and after eating some peas—Timmy Willie fell fast asleep. He awoke in a fright, while the hamper was being lifted into the carrier's cart.

The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse

Audio File: 
This story is called The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse by Aesop. This is a LibraryCall recording. A Town Mouse once visited a relative who lived in the country. For lunch, the Country Mouse served wheat stalks, roots, and acorns, with a dash of cold water to drink. The Town Mouse ate very sparingly, nibbling a little of this and a little of that. By her manner, she made it quite clear that she ate the simple food only to be polite. After the meal, the cousins had a long talk, or rather, the Town Mouse talked all about her glamorous life in the city while the Country Mouse listened.

El Ratón Pérez

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama El Ratón Pérez escrito por Luis Coloma, y adaptado, traducido, y leído por Lorena Romero y Madeline Walton Hadlock. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. Hace muchos años vivió el rey Buby. Era un gran amigo de los niños pobres y también protector de los ratones.

La ratoncita del campo y la ratoncita de la ciudad

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama La ratoncita del campo y la ratoncita de la ciudad, escrito por Esopo, traducido por Madeline Walton-Hadlock y leído por Daniel Fernando. Esta es una grabación y traducción de LibraryCall. Una vez, una ratoncita de la ciudad visitó a su prima que vivía en el campo. La ratoncita del campo la invitó a comer sopa de hierbas, raíces de plantas y nueces, con un poco de agua fría para beber. Pero la ratoncita de la ciudad, acostumbrada a comer comidas más refinadas, no le gustó la comida.

El león y el ratoncito

Audio File: 
Este cuento se llama El león y el ratón, basado en una fábula tradicional de Esopo, adaptada por Ryan Aoto y narrada por Daniel Fernando. Esta es una grabación de LibraryCall. En los pastizales de África, vivía un león. Era más grande y más rápido que los otros leones. De manera física, era el mejor león. Desafortunadamente, de manera social, era absolutamente el peor León. “¿A eso le llaman correr?”, le decía a los demás. “Soy muchísimo más rápido que ustedes. Estoy sorprendido que pueden atrapar comida.” Los leones viven en familias grandes que se llaman manadas.